I grew up not knowing much about God and the Gospel. I spent my childhood and teenage years lonely, depressed, and anxious. I hated myself and I was truly lost. I constantly felt empty and miserable despite living a decent life. I did ungodly things to try to fill that void. Through all my sin I became so broken and I wanted to be a better person. At the time I thought I could do it myself.
Then came 2020. I started my first semester at USF as a transfer student and met a campus minister from Cornerstone through a survey. This changed every
thing as I began going to church and doing Bible studies despite my skepticism. Shortly after, I became confident that God is real but I was still lost on what to do. Lockdowns happened so I had to move back home and that's where I encountered God. In a moment of sorrow, I cried out to Him and prayed that I needed Him. It was the first time I encountered His holy presence and His gentleness.
That day I humbled myself before the Lord and realized I needed Him through it all. I surrendered my life to Jesus a few days later in Apri
l and since then I've been seeking God. I became born again through Jesus as He saved me. His love healed all the pain and all the lies I ever believed about Him, life, and myself. He has shown me what love is and that I am lovable.
Despite the obstacles of 2020, I have come to know the Father through Jesus and my love for Him grows every day. I am so thankful that I was able continue to do Bible studies online and watch the virtual church services. God has shown me how He uses bad and uncomfortable situations for His glory. I'm grateful God chose me, that He never gave up on me, and that I have a best friend in Him. I'm joyful that He adopted me as a daughter into His kingdom and I'm excited to continue to do His will.
- Tiffany