Jordan's Testimony

I was born and raised in Orlando. As a kid growing up I had parents who both were Bible-preaching believers. I had some hard times growing up, and eventually certain sins caused me to harden my heart toward God and I began to feel my separation from Him. At the age of thirteen, I finally became a Christian. I was mostly around my mom growing up and I would always see her praying, worshipping, or reading her Bible. It began to spark my interest and I wanted to know more, which is what led me to become a believer. My mom was always there and showed me how to have a relationship with God. As I entered high school I began to deepen my relationship with Christ. I became a leader in my church and also I began leading Bible studies within my youth group. I even got the opportunity to lead a weekend service one time. The areas I lacked in were discipleship and having a firm foundation. When I came to USF, I began to build relationships with people in Cornerstone who had firm foundations and were really on fire for God. Through these relationships I began to grow closer to God and eventually became a Bible Study Leader and even had a chance to lead someone to Christ in the short nine months that I've been here. This has really increased my passion for evangelism and taught me how to share the Gospel effectively with my peers. Being led to this church has definitely been a blessing.
For my Spring Break, I’m joining a team of students from Cornerstone to spread the gospel at The University of Central Florida. I’m really excited about this and I’m expecting many lives to be changed dramatically by the power of God. ~Jordan