Jonathan's Testimony

My whole life I’ve been surrounded by Christianity. I went to a Christian school from Kindergarten to 12th grade and was reminded about God’s awesome power every Sunday. However, I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. As I went through middle and high school, I struggled with sin and tried to overcome sin with my own strength. Throughout my life, I’ve felt an emptiness in my heart and I primarily attribute this to the death of my mom when I was only five years old. I tried many things in order to fill that void but nothing worked. However, during the summer of my 12th grade year, I decided to give my life to the Lord and ever since then, my life has never been the same.
Before coming to USF, I asked God to bring me a group of people who were passionately seeking His face. I wanted to befriend people who would help me grow in my faith. During the first week of classes, I met two campus ministers and I started going to Cornerstone. I remember the first time that I walked into the Oval Theater and saw college students really praising and worshipping God. I had such a sense of comfort in my spirit because that day I was reassured that I’m not running this race alone. After service, they made me feel like family. With this reassurance and newfound community, I became stronger in God which helped me withstand the peer pressure I was experiencing from my roommates. I began to read the Word and pray daily. I also learned how to be a better witness by helping teach Bible studies and sharing the gospel with students on campus. The relationships and community I have at Cornerstone have tremendously helped me grow closer to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so excited to start teaching Bible studies this upcoming semester so I can help others see Christ for who He is.
- Jonathan