Curtis's Testimony
Growing up, I was raised in a Christian home by my parents. My mother urged us to take membership classes in our local Church. By age 14, I had completed all of the classes in our weekly meetings and I became a member. It was at this time I believed I had received salvation and could identify myself as a Christian. I took this identity everywhere I went and was considered by most of my friends as the, “religious guy.” I lived in a community where drugs and immorality were very common and even celebrated. I did my best to avoid these things but I still pursued a lot of drinking and carousing. I had the outward appearance of a Christian but in my heart I was far from God.
I transferred to USF when I was twenty years old and met a campus minister from Cornerstone Christian Church within a month of attending school there. This minister reached out to me by offering to do a Bible study with me and inviting me to the church meetings on campus every Sunday. For the next few weeks I got involved in this weekly Bible study with the minister and I discovered what God’s word meant and what it said concerning salvation. I quickly realized that the life I lived before was not a life surrendered to Christ but a life that was based on my works alone. This was the reason I was unable to break free from the sin I was enslaved to. It was on February 8, 2012 that I repented and surrendered my life to the lordship of Christ. I was amazed by the immediate freedom and joy I felt after doing so. I literally felt like I was born again! I continued to pursue a relationship with Christ and became both a member and an usher for Cornerstone Christian Church. I now also teach Bible studies as a Bible Study Leader on campus; reaching out to students the same way our campus ministers do. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if it were not for Jesus and the campus minister who reached out to me. ~Curtis