Shyanyne's Testimony

Growing up, I didn’t attend church regularly, but I believed in God. In my junior year of high school, I started attending church consistently but wasn’t focused on God. I faced challenging situations throughout my senior year, and I started blaming God which eventually made me disconnect from Him. After high school graduation, I started going to parties that didn’t glorify God. Realizing how separate I was from God, I cried out to Him to put me in a place where I could grow. And He brought me to USF.
During my freshman year of college, I met a campus minister and started studying the Bible with her. She showed me in the word what it means to have a relationship with Christ. Going to church and seeing how the members of Cornerstone lived their lives, I knew the joy they had is what I wanted. So I started attending church more and doing all the things that a Christian would do. But I was living a double life by still hanging out with the wrong crew and doing things that were not Christian-like outside of church. I had a constant battle of trying to please God and man.
When freshman year was ending, I took advice from a campus minister to find a church back in my home-town for the summer. During that summer, God really showed me how separate I was from Him and how much of a double life I was living. I was tired of living that way and wanted to leave my old life behind. I knew I needed to make the decision to give my whole life to Jesus just as He gave His whole life for me. So during the end of that summer, I gave my life to the Lord.
Coming back to USF my sophomore year, I knew I needed guidance with my relationship with God. Getting plugged into this church and being discipled really helped me grow in the Lord and lay a solid foundation in my life. I thank God for the advice I got to find a church back in my home-town that led me to accept Jesus into my heart. I will forever be grateful for the family God provided me with here at Cornerstone Christian Church.
- Shyanyne