
I grew up in a Christian household. My mom is saved and brought me to church my whole life. I always believed in Jesus, but I never gave my life to Him or committed myself to His word. The truth is I was more interested in sports and hanging out with friends. This all changed on February 6th, 2019. A campus minister named Arsenio was out sharing the gospel, when he met me walking back to my apartment from my lab. He asked me questions about my faith and asked if I wanted to continue with a Bible study. I realized I was not in a good place with God. I had been apathetic towards Him for so long but in this moment I knew I had a chance to start a real relationship with Jesus. I read the first ten chapters of John that night and met with Arsenio to discuss what I learned about God’s love. I gave my life to Jesus on February 7th and got baptized the 10th. I had done so much more and learned so much more in one week then I had my whole life. About three weeks later I decided to become a member of the church and continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord. I was done with apathy. The second week of March, I went on a missions trip with people from the church to share the gospel at Florida Gulf Coast University. This was the best experience I have had in my walk with Christ due to the fellowship for a whole week and sharing the truth of the Gospel with others just like me. During that week, I helped lead two people to the Lord. It was awesome watching God work through me, even though I had just given my life to Him less than a month earlier. Since the spring break trip, I have been attending Cornerstone and spending as much time as possible with people from the church. I play basketball twice a week with church members and we go share the gospel around the USF campus multiple times a week. Surrounding myself with members of Cornerstone was the best decision I could make to help me grow in my new relationship with the Lord.