
I grew up going to church and being involved in a variety of youth ministries like the choir and the prayer team. Although I was so close to the Gospel, I never recalled giving my life to Jesus. In fact, I thought that I was already saved because of my activities in the church, but I soon came to know that salvation is not earned. I desired so much to fit in with the world. I saw the “freedom” my friends had to practice the deeds of the flesh and I decided it was my turn to pursue those things. However, instead of being satisfied, I was becoming more and more of a slave to my sin.
During the pandemic in 2020, I saw how divided I was between wanting a real relationship with God, and wanting to live life for myself. In the peak of my sin, I approached Jesus in my worldly sorrow, and I made a promise to Him that I would be a better person. I ultimately discovered that I couldn’t keep that promise. A couple years later, I met a campus minister and began weekly Bible studies to see for myself what the Bible said about sin. Even though I was partying and drinking, I continued meeting for the Bible studies. In one Bible study, I saw what the Bible said about my sin and I realized that I would not inherit the kingdom of God living the way I was living. On February 6th, 2022, He revealed Himself to me as Savior, and I repented for living according to my works, understanding, and control.
Since that day, I have been set free from many things, and have devoted my life to hearing and obeying His word. I have been plugged into fellowship with other believers at Cornerstone, and I learned how to share my faith and testimony as a Bible study leader. I am so excited continue to grow in all areas of my life and to serve in the house of the Lord!